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The Method
Let's Count with Cheerios

You have the method. Now you need to know what you need to actually do the activity.

Get out your box of Cheerios, a pencil, and download the Let's Count! worksheet .

Sit down and get to work! Sit WITH your child throughout the entire activity. You can download more worksheets if you feel your child is ready for more but, don't do more than one a day.

Let's Count worksheets

Here are some additional Let's Count! worksheets that you can download and use for extra practice.

Let's Count! worksheet A

Let's Count! worksheet B

Let's Count! worksheet C

Let's Count! worksheet D

Let's Count! worksheet E

©1999–2011    Sherry
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Introducing the Numerals
1. Put Cheerios onto each Cheerio picture.
2. Point to each Cheerio and count out loud (one-to-one correspondence).mathcheeriobearc
3. Find the Math Bear at the bottom of the page. Put your finger on the Bear.
4. 0Find the zero. Put your finger on the zero.
5. Begin counting, starting with zero (0), until you reach the numeral that corresponds to the number of Cheerios you have.
6. Trace the number.
7. Write that number in the box next to your counted Cheerios.
8. Eat the Cheerios.

DJIMaybeecOne of the most important standards and skills in Kindergarten is the ability to use one-to-one correspondence (iteration). Hand-eye coordination alone is a challenge for 4- and 5-year olds.

Have you considered asking your child to point and connect one object with a number? EEK! Numbers are abstract so you can imagine how difficult this task can be. This is why it is really important that your child is very comfortable with the simple act of counting before you take that next step with introducing the numbers

Note: Just to clarify the difference between the terms number and numeral—numeral is the name we give the symbol or what we use to represent the quantity of abstractness (the 'number' is the abstract). A number is represented by numerals. We write numerals and a number is a thing we talk about. Did I confuse you further? Trust me when I say that most people won't know the difference!

Okay, let's take it to that next step and place a symbol (numeral) with the counting. To help you and your child out, and because children rely heavily on having specific routines/systems/methods for doing things, I am providing you with the one that I have found to be effective when working with Kindergartners.

ABCs item6 about KindergartenSOS item15