- How to clean him/herself after using the toilet (both pee and poo!)
- Name of each article of clothing: sock, shirt, pants, sweater, vest, jacket, tights, etc.
- Name of the body parts: nose, mouth, neck, head, arm, leg, knee, ankle, thigh, toes, fingers, elbow, heel
- Ability to button his/her own clothes
- Recite his/her phone number aloud (cell phone number may be preferred)
- Flush the toilet and wash hands after using the bathroom
- Say 'thank you' and 'please' and use good manners (and, to do so without being prompted!)
- Recognize first as well as last name in print
- Tie shoelaces (this is a very difficult skill and you may want to begin teaching this particular skill in March as dexterity isn't there until around then)
- Identify beginning sounds of words (i.e., What sound is at the beginning of dog? /d/)
- Recognize and identify the numbers 0 to 30 (look at the house numbers, street signs, etc.)
- Recognize geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval, hexagon, sphere, cube, cylinder)
- Identify rhyming words and be able to come up with another rhyming word when a word is given(cat, hat, fat, sat)
- Recognize the upper-case letters of the alphabet in any order
- Recognize the lower-case letters of the alphabet in any order
- Identify ending sounds in words (i.e., What sound is at the end of bug? /g/)
- Find examples of things that come in number combinations (five: five fingers on a hand, two: two chopsticks, four: four bases/plates on a baseball field)
- Sort objects and match up pairs (i.e., have your child match up all the shoes in your closet)
- Tell right from left (directionality; i.e., Which button do you use on the computer mouse?)
- Identify vowel sounds in the middle of a word (i.e., What vowel sound is in the middle of hat? /a/)